Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

Benson Chiropractic proudly serves our community as a cash based wellness practice however, we do accept personal injury and workman’s compensation cases if chiropractic care is included in coverages. We are a direct pay office and patients can elect to either pay at the time of service or can pre-pay for their care plan. We are also a non-participating provider with Medicare. We do not work directly with insurance, as insurance companies limit the number and of type of visits that patients have. We want to provide you with the care that you deserve, not care that is dictated by your insurance provider. Insurance will cover care that focuses on short-term symptom relief, not prevention and wellness. We are able to keep our prices affordable by saving on the added cost of billing and having to increase our prices due to insurance reimbursement percentages. We do offer superbills (a bill that you can submit to your insurance company to be directly reimbursed back to you) for our active care plans only.

What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept all major Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Cash, Health Savings Accounts (HSA), and Flex Spending Accounts (FSA).

Do I have to keep coming back?

The short answer is no. Dr. Levi’s goal is for every patient to live life to its fullest potential, free of pain and dysfunction, with balanced mind and body. If you have a significant injury or dysfunction when first seeking treatment, Dr. Levi will suggest a more consistent care plan to correct the root problem. It takes an average of 24-28 visits to stabilize the body through adjustments to see long lasting effects. While we will never force you to keep coming back, many patients discover that they feel a significant improvement after an adjustment and will choose to keep coming in for care. Dr. Levi  wants to encourage patients to make conscious, well-informed choices about their health, and would love for regular chiropractic care to be a part of your healthy lifestyle.

What are the stages of healing?

Although each healing process looks different, the average healing process follows these stages of chiropractic care:

Relief Care eliminates pain or reduces your current discomfort.
Corrective Care corrects any underlying condition or structural cause of your discomfort. 
Stability Care stabilizes your condition and structural changes to prevent your issues from recurring. On average this has been shown to take 24-28 consistent visits.
Wellness Care occurs once your body has fully healed.  It is important to come in for periodic adjustments to avoid problems in the future. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-4 times per month, based on your lifestyle and goals.  

What are your credentials

Dr. Levi holds his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland University Kansas City. Additionally, Dr. Levi is certified in Zone Healing Technique, Webster Technique, Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT), and is an active member of the Pinnacle Chiropractic System.